About me

I'm a passionate Flutter developer from Gaza, Palestine, specializing in building beautiful and user-friendly mobile apps. I thrive on transforming complex problems into intuitive and visually appealing interfaces.

Leveraging the power of Flutter, I build high-performance apps that run smoothly across different platforms. My focus is on creating functional and user-centric mobile experiences that not only resonate with your brand identity but also captivate your users.

Here's what sets me apart:

- Expertise in Flutter for building cross-platform mobile apps. - Ability to translate complex problems into user-friendly interfaces - Focus on user-centric design and functionality. - Experience in creating visually appealing and brand-aligned apps.

What i'm doing

  • mobile app icon

    Flutter Developer

    Professional development of applications for Android and iOS.

  • design icon

    Backend Developer

    Building Restful APIs with Express in Node.js


  • Daniel lewis

    Abdullah Bagis

    HUSAM was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. He has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client.

  • Daniel lewis

    Mohammed Yousif

    HUSAM was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. He has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client.

  • Jessica miller

    Jessica miller

    HUSAM was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. He has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client.

  • Emily evans

    Emily evans

    HUSAM was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. He has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client.

  • Henry william

    Henry william

    HUSAM was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. He has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client.



  1. Flutter Developer

    Shift ICT Company · Full-time

    Oct 2023 - Present · 6 mos

    Gaza, Gaza Strip

  2. Flutter Developer

    CAPIVO كابيفو · Full-time

    Feb 2023 - Feb 2024 · 1 yr 1 mo


  3. Mobile Developer

    Gaza Sky Geeks · Freelance

    Oct 2022 - Feb 2024 · 1 yr 5 mos


  1. Islamic University of Gaza - IUGAZA

    Mobile computing and smart device applications.

    Year of graduation: 2023

  2. Udemy

    1. The Complete 2021 Flutter & Dart Development Course. 2. Flutter Advanced Course Bloc and MVVM Pattern 3. Flutter Advanced - Clean Architecture With MVVM. 4. Flutter - Animations from Zero to Hero. 5. Flutter Payment Integration: Stripe, PayPal & More.


  1. State management

    1. Provider 2. Bloc - Cubit 3. Riverpod 4. Getx
  2. Local Storage

    1. SQFlite 2. Hive 3. Shared preferences 4. Get Storage
  3. APIs

    1. Rest APIs 2. GraghQL
  4. Firebase

    1. Authentication 2. Cloud Firestore 3. Firebase Storage 4. FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging 5. Remote Config
  5. Testing

    1. Unit test 2. Widget test 3. Integration test
  6. Version Control

    1. GitHub 2. GitLab 3. BitBucket
  7. Themes

  8. Localization

  9. Responsive design

  10. Localizations

  11. Animations

  12. Agile

  13. Data structure

  14. Algorithms

  15. Problem solving

  16. Design patterns

  17. Architecture patterns

    1. MVC 2. MVVM 3. MVP 4. MVI
  18. Communication skills

  19. OOP

  20. SOLID

  21. Dependency injection

  22. Clean architecture

  23. Clean code

  24. CI/CD



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